GranMah – Perfect Plan [Official Video]

Em Moçambique grupos como estes estão extintos, mas o grupo ainda continua com uma abordagem e forma de fazer a musica com classe e Originalidade, criando e trazendo novas melodias o GranMah  traz-nos este belíssimo trabalho audiovisual intitulado Perfect Plan. 

Veja acena e depois deixa seu comentário dizendo oque acha do vídeo e não se esqueça de acompanhara a letra lá em baixo e deixar seu comentário acerca da musica.

Song Credits:

Music Composed by GranMah
Music Produced by Rui Martins – Left Right Productions
Music Co-Produced by Joni Schwalbach – Ekaya Productions

Recorded at Ekaya Studios Mozambique

Mastered by Joni Schwalbach – Ekaya Productions
Mixed by Joni Schwalbach – Ekaya Productions

Video Credits:
Extras: Richad Vali, Jonaze Americano, Afonso Coellho, Maya Lima, André Mota, Filipa Franco, Eliana N’zualo, Diogo Nhamposse, José Guto Fernandes, Leonel Estevão, Tégui.
Direction and Production: Behind Your Vision

Special Thanks:
Rui Martins, Joni Schwalbach, Behind Your Vision, Escola Nacional de Dança, Escola Nacional de Artes Visuais, Sara Faquir (Idealab), Richad Vali, Siga Sumbana, DRP- Dark Room Productions.

Perfect Plan
I see I've been on your last note, buddy
I see I've been on your final nerve,
I see you see me rising up
You've noticed I've been standing up

Grinding and sweating
'Cause I've been pushing and pushing,
Elbows and kicking,
And you really weren't ready for it,
'Cause just this time I'm right,
My limit is past the sky buddy (2x)
Well I’ve got a voice yeah,
You can’t keep treating us like we’re choiceless idiots no (2x)
Yeah I’ve got something to say,

You've done well in keeping us apart!
We, we've got the perfect plan,
We're strong but you forget,
And you really weren't ready for it,
You doubt but yes we can,
'Cause you really weren't ready for it,
We've got the Perfect Plan,
Tale over the world, the world, the world
And we'll take over the world, The world, the world, the world
I believe in solidarity,
'Cause just this time I'm right....
But we've been pushing, and pushing,
Grinding and sweating,

Elbows and kickin',
