TNS - Obra do Diabo (Deluxe Edition)
foto da mixtape tns TNS - Obra do Diabo (Deluxe Edition) feita por mabenda
TNS - Obra do Diabo (Deluxe Edition)
TNS - Obra do Diabo (Deluxe Edition)
Faz parte da mixtape do group TNS , constituidos por varios jovens , e se juntaram para nos brindar com essas musicas ,do estilo hip hop, baxa as musicas em formato RAR e depois partilha nas redes sociais estes liks
TNS - Obra do Diabo (Deluxe Edition).rar
Archive (.RAR)
File size: 103.97 MB
Uploaded: 2014-04-17 13:02:10
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About Compressed Archive Files
Compressed archives combine multiple files into a single file to make them easier to transport or save on diskspace. Archiving software may also provide options for encryption, file spanning, checksums, self-extraction, and self-installation. Zip is the most-widely used format, used by the Windows operating system and more recently by OSX as well. RAR is also a very popular and flexible format. Unix uses the tar file format, while Linux uses the tar and gz format.